


Senior Ariana Kourepenos Uses Passion for Arts to Promote Social Change

Senior Ariana Kourepenos Uses Passion for Arts to Promote Social Change

“Fail” by Kourepenos showcases a landscape of nature at the peak of fall.

“Fail” by Kourepenos showcases a landscape of nature at the peak of fall.

“City Street” by kourepenos captures a bustling city block

“City Street” by kourepenos captures a bustling city block

One may look at senior Ariana Kourepenos’s paintings with astonishment, wondering how she captures a landscape so perfectly. Some of her work is as realistic as a photograph, yet still as mesmerizing as the most intricate painting. Her swirling palette works in harmony: the bright blues and raging reds featured in many of her paintings stand out, creating a balanced and striking composition. They evoke an ideal memory, possibly capturing one’s ‘perfect day.’ It seems almost obvious to the viewer that she must have begun painting quite some time ago. That, however, is not the case.

Aside from the occasional childhood arts and crafts project, Kourepenos’s introduction to art was similar to the majority of Riverdale students’: through the school’s preliminary Foundations course.

Foundations, a rudimentary art class for freshmen, acts as a prerequisite before students hone specific skills in advanced artistic courses available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Ms. Betsy Fields, a Riverdale art teacher who taught Kourepenos’s Foundations class, encouraged Kourepenos to choose her Painting I class during sophomore year. Ever since, Ms. Fields has taken Kourepenos under her wing — first in Painting I, then in Painting II, and now in an Architecture Independent Study. She has helped her grow immensely as an artist throughout her time in high school.

In light of recent tragedies like the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and the activism coming from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement, Kourepenos decided to use her art as a mechanism for social change. “For me, painting was and still is a way that I can use my personal talent to drive change,” she emphasized.

Kourepenos launched her website, AKscapesart, where she sells the pastoral and urban scape paintings she has come to perfect. In addition, she offers clients the opportunity to commission a piece — all they have to do is submit a photograph of a painting they want her to recreate. Since her launch in June of 2020, Kourepenos has already sold sixteen paintings.

To drive social change and promote activism, Kourepenos has designed her business so the customer has control. All funds go towards a charity in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the customer chooses where the money goes, whether it be towards victims of racial injustice, black-owned business, or non-profit organizations.

“I want my customers to make a conscientious choice and not blindly send me the money to donate,” Koureponos said.

What is next for AKscapesart? With the start of school and senior fall comes more responsibilities.

Still, as long as Kourepenos continues to paint, she will continue to sell her work, directing all proceeds to a variety of BLM organizations.

Looking ahead at the future of her business, Kourepenos said, “Painting is a passion that I have great interest in pursuing throughout my foreseeable future. And, as long as I continue to paint, I will continue to use the AKscapes website to help implement much needed social change. I want to have an active role, even if it is a small role.”

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