


Reina Guerrero - Associate Director of College Counseling

Reina Guerrero - Associate Director of College Counseling

Riverdale Review: “Where did you work previously?”

Reina Guerrero: “Before coming to Riverdale, I worked in college admissions at Georgetown and NYU. And I have worked at other independent schools.”

RR: “What are your hopes for this school year?”

RG: “I am really excited to work with the seniors and help them get into their ‘best-fit’ colleges. And I’m hoping that everyone has an enjoyable and fun (as much as it can be) college process.”

RR: “Do you have any hobbies or talents you’d like to share?”

RG: “I have danced my entire life. I take different types of danceclasses and it is a good way to relax. I also like yoga.”

Zach Hora-Moir - Middle and Upper School Language

Zach Hora-Moir - Middle and Upper School Language

Melanie Greenup - Middle and Upper School English

Melanie Greenup - Middle and Upper School English